The GOFuture B3 and GOFuture B6 are lathes with main and counter spindles for machining rings from tube or bar. They also fulfil the highest requirements for surface quality (high-gloss turning) and the degree of automation. The GOFuture B3 has a tool turret with special discs for various diamond and PCD tools for both external and internal machining. The GOFuture B6 has a second tool turret with special discs, enabling simultaneous machining on the main and counter spindles. By using VDI 25 tool holders, driven tool holders can also be used for milling tools. Together with an automatic unloading device, the GOFuture B3 and GOFuture B6 are extremely productive and flexible turning centres for machining rings from bars or tubes. With a maximum bar capacity of Ø42 and a maximum bar length of 800 mm, all ring sizes can be easily handled. In combination with an optional Y-axis, the set-up time for the diamond tools can be significantly reduced, as the centre height of the tools can be set very easily via the NC axis.