Andrea Concato Orologeria Gioielleria, nelle sue due sedi: Alte Ceccato di Montecchio Maggiore e Verona, propone da sempre un tipo di orologeria di ricerca, non tassativamente svizzera. Negli anni abbiamo offerto, al nostro pubblico di appassionati, marchi oggi famosi, educando gli estimatori ad apprezzare con largo anticipo orologi ed orologiai di nicchia. Privilegiamo la manifattura, la genuinità e l'esclusività, cercando di costruire rapporti fatti di passioni autentiche e curiosità.
Andrea Concato Orologeria Gioielleria, in its two locations: Alte Ceccato di Montecchio Maggiore and Verona, has always offered a type of research watchmaking, not strictly Swiss. Over the years we have offered, to our public of enthusiasts, brands that are famous today, educating admirers to appreciate niche watches and watchmakers well in advance. We privilege workmanship, authenticity and exclusivity, seeking to build relationships made of genuine passions and curiosity.
Andrea Concato Orologeria Gioielleria, in its two locations: Alte Ceccato di Montecchio Maggiore and Verona, has always offered a type of research watchmaking, not strictly Swiss. Over the years we have offered, to our public of enthusiasts, brands that are famous today, educating admirers to appreciate niche watches and watchmakers well in advance. We privilege workmanship, authenticity and exclusivity, seeking to build relationships made of genuine passions and curiosity.
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